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DPG Frühjahrstagung

Universität Regensburg

Die ursprünglich für das Frühjahr 2022 geplante DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie (SKM) konnte pandemiebedingt nicht wie geplant durchgeführt werden und findet nun vom 04. bis 09. September 2022 an der Universität Regensburg statt.

8th International Conference of S-LCA

The International Conference of Social Life Cycle Assessment is the main event to present current methodological developments and best practices in social life cycle assessment (S-LCA). The 8th edition of the conference will take place in a hybrid format from 5th-8th September 2022 in Aachen, Germany. The theme chosen for this edition is “Leave No One Behind”, reflecting the central role that stakeholders play towards social wellbeing.

Smart City Days


The Smart City Strategy of the City of Pforzheim is still in the starting blocks. Having been awarded the title of "Smart City Model Project" in the third funding round of the Federal Ministry of the Interior for Building and the Interior, we are now tackling the strategy.

REIA 2022 Annual Conference

Congress Park Hanau – Frankfurt

The global annual conference on e-motors will bring together key decision makers in the technologies of vehicle electrification, rare earths producers, magnet makers, wind energy companies, e-drives and vehicle manufacturers to review the current supply situation and identify improvements to better satisfy the requirements of the industrial downstream customers for a better technology adoption.

Kongress BW

Karlsruhe Trade Fair Centre Messeallee 1 D-76287 Rheinstette

On 19 and 20 October 2022, the 11th KONGRESS BW, the Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy Congress of the State of Baden-Württemberg, will take place at the Karlsruhe Exhibition Centre.