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REEsilience Presentation at UNA-AUSTRIA

REEsilience coordinator speaks at Foreign Policy and United Nations Association of Austria (UNA-AUSTRIA)

REEsilience coordinator speaks at Foreign Policy and United Nations Association of Austria (UNA-AUSTRIA)

At the invitation of the former Austrian Chancellor and head of the Foreign Policy and United Nations Association of Austria (UNA-AUSTRIA), Dr Wolfgang Schüssel, the REEsilience coordinator and scientific director from STI – Institute for Precious and Technology Metals, Test Laboratory for Material Testing Prof. Carlo Burkhardt gave a talk at the Wiener Hofburg last Wednesday.

In front of a high-level audience of members of parliament, embassy officers, and senior executives, he outlined the challenges and solutions for a sustainable and resilient supply of rare earth permanent magnets, which are critical components for e-mobility, green energy, and digitalisation.

After 45 minutes of presentation, lively participation allowed for an exciting Q&A session with more than 100 attendees. It was commonly agreed that all efforts to secure a resilient and sustainable supply of rare earth magnets should be intensified. Public acknowledgement of the issues tied to rare earths and our research efforts are an essential part of our mission.

We were very honoured by invitation and pleased to present the results of our current EU-funded R&D projects, SUSMAGPRO ProjectREEsilience and INSPIRES_Magnet in this framework!